To provide first class, junior hockey entertainment for our fans and our corporate partners. The Eagles team will continue to build on a winning tradition throughout the organization that will foster a reputation of integrity, professionalism and respect through initiatives sensitive and responsive to the community it represents and the KIJHL.
The Sicamous Eagles Junior Hockey Club was officially formed on May 17, 1994. The Club is a registered Society with a mandate to provide opportunities for young men to develop their hockey and life skills with a view to enjoying a career in the hockey field.
The Eagles are one of 20 teams in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League, one of the largest and strongest junior hockey leagues in BC. We are an active participant in this organization, and receive excellent support and assistance with operating a junior team within the guidelines of BC’s hockey development program. As well, the League’s marketing program enables us to enjoy other benefits such as web site links and a number of promotional events and opportunities.
As well, the Eagles participate – sometimes with attendance and sometimes via the KIJHL Director – in the BC Amateur Hockey Association’s annual general meeting. The Association, along with the association with our peer teams and other leagues in the province, provides us with many opportunities to improve our game and our organization.
The Eagles have enjoyed a close affiliation with many teams in both the BCHL and the WHL, working closely with team officials in directing players to the opportunities available to them via our organizations. Many Eagles graduates have moved up to play on Junior A, WHL, and European teams, and many graduates – including Kris Beech, Shea Weber, Cody Franson, Derek Engelland, Adrian Veideman, Kris Hogg, Andrew Ebbett and Andrew Kozek, have been drafted or have played or are currently still playing in the NHL. Still others have moved up to play college hockey, on full or partial scholarships.
In its 25+ year history, the Eagles have won the KIJHL Teck Cup three times and twice been crowned the Cyclone Taylor provincial champions which qualified them to attend the Western Canada Championships (the Stanley Cup for Junior B teams). The first time, they finished fourth at the Westerns, and the second time, they won it all. The Sicamous Eagles have also hosted the Western Canada Championships, a major undertaking which took a year to plan, prepare, organize and implement.
The Eagles have a 44-game regular season schedule, and the delivery of home games is an excitement for our fans and for our community. Game nights are well orchestrated, and fans unable to attend in person can still enjoy the game and follow the team’s success via our live HockeyTV broadcasts. We enjoy a successful relationship with our minor hockey association, as well as many other clubs and groups in our community.
The success of our organization on the ice is in large part due to the coaching/management crew we have assembled. This team of highly qualified and dedicated volunteers is committed to implementing the Club’s policies and programs – and their focus and drive to develop players to their full potential is the cornerstone of our team’s success on the ice, year after year.
Many of our players come from outside the community, are billeted in local homes, attend our school, and participate in our community. We have a stringent discipline code for all Eagles players, with zero tolerance for drug and alcohol use, a 10 pm curfew, the need to maintain school marks, and the requirement to exercise exemplary conduct and behavior on the ice, in the home, and in the community. Players take considerable pride in wearing an Eagles’ jersey.
Off ice, too, the Eagles organization has proved to be a tremendous success. We have built a solid reputation in the community, and the community is obviously proud to have a successful junior hockey team as part of its make-up.
Each year, the Club must raise sufficient operating capital for the coming season. Our budget is in excess of $300,000 – which is a lot of money to pull, year after year, from a community of 2,500 residents. Our primary fundraisers are gate receipts, our souvenir hockey program (supported by virtually every business operator in and around Sicamous), game night beer garden, t-shirt sales, merchandising, and our evaluation camps which draw try-outs from throughout Canada. The camps are full each year as our successful hockey development program is well known throughout the hockey community.
Over the years, we have also pursued other fundraising opportunities – everything from flipping hamburgers to selling firewood to raffle ticket sales. A few years back, we were successful in acquiring a bus charter license, thus providing not only funds for our operation but also providing a valuable service to the community. We also have a license to operate a beer garden during our 22 home games, providing another source of revenue for the club.
The Eagles are committed to the community of Sicamous, participating in numerous events and activities, i.e., Tim Horton’s Camp Day, Subway’s Child Day, the ‘Christmas in Sicamous’ program, the Volunteer Fair, Breakfast with Santa, Senior Shovel Program, assisting with on ice minor hockey and figure skating programs, assisting in schools, etc. The Sicamous Eagles players are always available to assist and/or participate in any aspect of community involvement.
There it is. In a nutshell. The Sicamous Eagles Junior Hockey Club – who we are and what we do.